Meet The People Behind Our Organization

Welcome to Riverdale Youth Organization, where our dedicated team works tirelessly to make a positive impact in vulnerable communities. Here’s a glimpse of the passionate individuals driving our mission.

Jennifer Morris

Programs Coordinator

Maria plays a vital role in shaping and implementing our programs

Freya Gilbert

Mentorship Coordinator

Freya is the heart of our mentorship programs. Her dedication to fostering positive relationships inspires us all.

Jesus Mendoza

Founder & Executive Director

Jesus Mendoza leads our mission with passion and dedication. 

Jackson Trevino

Educational Programs Manager

As our Education Specialist, Jackson is dedicated to breaking down educational barriers.

Our Volunteer Opportunities

We believe that everyone has a unique skill or talent that can make a difference in the lives of the youth we serve. 

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or simply passionate about giving back, we welcome you to join our community.

Education Programs

If you love to teach, mentor, or simply share your knowledge, consider volunteering in our education programs.

Creative Expression

If you're a creative spirit, help us inspire the youth through art, music, or other expressive activities.

Professional Expertise

If you have professional expertise, your skills could open doors for the next generation.

Sports and Recreation

Enthusiastic about sports and recreation? Join us in organizing activities that promote teamwork, leadership, and a healthy lifestyle.

(485) -995-7518



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